about the author:
Pawel Stykowski is a Polish attorney-at-law ("radca prawny") who has also been awarded a Diploma in Legal Studies by the Cardiff University (UK). Prior to his graduation, he gained experience training as an intern in various entities involved in drafting or application of Polish or English law, such as the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure, Allen & Overy (Warsaw office) and CMS Cameron McKenna (London office).
After graduating with flying colours from the Law Faculty at the Warsaw University, he joined CMS Cameron McKenna's financial services team, where he gained experience in advising on insurance law, consumer protection law, contract law as well as corporate law.
In 2009 Pawel Stykowski joined AXA as an in-house lawyer. His duties comprise drafting general terms and conditions of insurance, insurance contracts, contracts with AXA's contractors as well as advising on AML and public procurement issues.
In 2011 Pawel became a licenced attorney-at-law (radca prawny) and rejoined CMS Cameron McKenna, where he provides advice on law of finacial services (especially insurance law).
Pawel Stykowski is the author and co-author of many articles on Polish law published by the most renown newspapers and journals (i.a. Rzeczpospolita, Parkiet, Monitor Prawniczy, Gazeta Prawna).
If you have any questions concerning Polish law, feel free to use the link below.
e-mail: pawel.stykowski@onet.eu ++48 607 657 369
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